As we enter the height of the outdoor patio season, it would be easy to assume that Americans have always enjoyed time with friends and family outdoors on their patios and decks – grilling, playing games, and spending time together. You may be surprised to know that the outdoor patio – as we know it – didn’t start appearing until post-World War II. The Smithsonian shared 3 fun facts you may find interesting.BACKYARD OASIS – Post-war, suburban developments started popping up, including homes with private backyard spaces. With the 40-hour workweek, more white-collar jobs, and an increase in pay, suburbanites began transforming uniform backyards into personalized havens devoted, in part, to rest and recreation.POOLS & GRILLS – Wartime manufacturers of aluminum and concrete pivoted production for the consumer market following the war. Everything from aluminum grill spatulas and tongs, patio furniture, and tough, colorful and tough outdoor fabrics became readily available. In-ground pools became suddenly affordable thanks to the sudden surplus and availability of these concrete and chlorine.NEW HOUSE DESIGNS – Glossy home magazines promoted the ideal of a glamorous, outdoor "California lifestyle." The ranch house, with outdoor courtyards, sliding glass doors, and open floor plans, was considered the postwar dream home and its features were copied all over the country. The mid-century backyard became an extension of the house, a "room" designed for relaxing, recreation, cooking, and entertaining.Seventy years later, the outdoor lifestyle has only grown, becoming ingrained as a tradition into our psyche. We hope that you enjoy your patio or deck this summer with GatherCraft patio furniture and accessories. Visit our website to find a GatherCraft Fine Outdoor Furniture Dealer near you! www.gathercraft.comGatherCraft Outdoor Furniture - Where Friends & Family Gather.#GatherCraft #OutdoorFurniture #PatioFurniture #OutdoorCushions #QualityOutdoorFurniture