Friends and family members spending time with one another has been the focal point of human interaction since the beginning of time. Camaraderie and conversation are two valuable assets that are gained in sharing time with loved ones. Gatherings outdoors have also dated back in time for thousands of years. GatherCraft is not the first outdoor furniture maker to create timeless pieces for assembling various people outdoors. There have been records of outdoor furniture being made in ancient Egypt, medieval Europe, and colonial America. The oldest outdoor furniture pieces to date are Egyptian woven chairs, baskets, and chests. These intricate pieces were made from woven reeds. Trade began to increase during the Victorian Era and with it, these beautiful wicker pieces were passed along. Wicker became a very popular style of furniture throughout Europe, along with heavy stone benches made for flower gardens. The traditional wicker style then reached American shores in the 1800s and has remained stylish ever since. No matter the time period, families have long to gather with one another for centuries. The enjoyment of outdoor activities is not a trend but rather a tradition that has been passed down for countless generations. Look at some classic wicker styles to honor the wicker “forefathers” of the past Where Friends and Family Gather. #GatherCraft #OutdoorFurniture #PatioFurniture #OutdoorCushions #QualityOutdoorFurniturE