What furniture fabric is best for dogs?

Dogs love to chew and claw at furniture, so it's important to find the right fabric for your dog-owning home. Not all fabrics are created equal, so it's important to choose the right one for your pup.The first thing you should consider is what material your furniture is made of. Some dogs will chew on leather or plastic, while others won't touch it. Look at the tags on your furniture pieces to see what they're made from and pick a fabric that will be safe for your dog.If you have kids or other pets in the house, be sure to keep them away from any fabrics that may contain lead or other harmful chemicals. Even though these fabrics don't taste good, dogs will eat them if they've got nothing else. Ingesting lead has been shown to cause serious health problems in humans and animals alike!Once you've picked out an appropriate fabric, make sure that it's securely attached to the furniture piece itself so that there aren't any loose threads or seams where your pup could get stuck while chewing on the material itself rather than the actual furniture piece itself (this can happen if there's an exposed seam near where he likes to chew).If you're unsure about whether or not your dog will like the taste of a particular fabric, try dabbing it with a little water or juice and see if he wants to eat it! If he does, then go ahead and use that material for your project. Otherwise, try something else.


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