What Furniture Do You Put in a Japanese Bedroom?
What Furniture Do You Put in a Japanese Bedroom?The Japanese bedroom is traditionally built around the tatami mat, a woven straw mat that is used as a bed and flooring. This style of flooring was developed to be comfortable and easy to clean, but it also provides warmth during cold nights. The tatami mat is typically placed on top of a traditional Japanese floor, called a zabuton. The zabuton is made from thick cotton or foam and comes in many different colors and patterns.When you have a zabuton and tatami mat in your room, you can add furniture that complements their design and function. Here are some pieces that will make your space feel like home:1) A dresser with drawers is perfect for storing clothes or accessories in an organized way so everything will be easy to find when needed. The drawers can also be used for storing blankets or sheets for guests who stay over at your house; this way they won't have to worry about making their own beds!2) House plants add color and life to any room - especially one inspired by Japanese design! They're also great for purifying air quality because they release oxygen through photosynthesis (which means they need sunlight).