Did your vacation get canceled this year? The following are some great ways to take a Staycation without going out of town.
PAMPER YOURSELF - Treat yourself to a Spa Treatment in your own home. Take a long, hot bath, give yourself a manicure and pedicure, eat a piece of dark chocolate rich in cancer-fighting antioxidants, or spend the day in bed reading your favorite novel or watching your favorite television program.
BE A TOURIST IN YOUR OWN CITY - See some of the things that others come to your city to see that you have not. Strap a camera around your neck and snap pictures along the way. Have lunch in a café, deli, or bistro and order a dish that you have never tried before.
GET OUTDOORS - Get out of the house and office into nature. Take a walk, plant a garden, ride your bike, play Frisbee with the kids, lie in the grass, and look up at the stars, build a fort out of cardboard boxes. Do whatever it takes to embrace your inner child.
IMPROVE YOURSELF - Take the opportunity to improve and feel better about yourself. Read up on your favorite topics online, get acquainted with other cultures by listening to their music, and cooking their meals, start keeping a journal, begin learning a musical instrument.
However you choose to enjoy your Staycation, you can enjoy it that much more with great patio furniture. Visit our website and find a GatherCraft Fine Outdoor Furniture Dealer near you! www.gathercraft.com
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