Labor Day is a great time to spend with friends and lovedones – especially with a good BBQ and fun activities in the backyard and onyour deck or patio. If your patio furniture is getting a little old and haggard,take advantage of our dealer’s fantastic Labor Day Sales and purchase somequality GatherCraft patio furniture that you can enjoy and count on for yearsto come.
Wicker - Our extremely realistic wicker is UV protected and designed to withstand years of use. Created with resin that varies in both texture and color, each piece is handwoven over steel-reinforced, heavy-gauge aluminum extrusions making each piece a one-of-a-kind. A single resin wicker chair can take one craftsman a day to complete.
Cast Aluminum - Each cast and wrought aluminum componentreceives hand-painted, antique accents before undergoing a final polishing coatof protectant sealant. Antique accents are applied using a bristle brush tomake each piece unique in appearance.
Need some new patio furniture? Visit our website and find a GatherCraft Fine Outdoor Furniture Dealer near you to see our high quality, beautifully designed and crafted outdoor patio furniture!
GatherCraft Outdoor Furniture - Where Friends & FamilyGather.
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