Has the stress of everything going on in the world left you anxious and irritable? Schedule a spa day on your own patio (additional household members are optional). Your patio or deck can make the perfect escape from the world. Here are a few tips you can try.
FOOD – A little simple food prep will have you enjoyingyourself in no time. Set out healthy snacks like cheese, crackers, grapes andcucumber water. Open a favorite drink and leave the container close at hand forrefills at your leisure. Be sure to pre-treat the patio for pests and cover thefood.
MUSIC – Your music selection will set the tone of your getaway. Listen to some of your favorite quiet music – the kind that can easily lull you into a slumber if you so desire.
WATER AND CREAMS – Make sure you’re prepared to pamperyourself with your favorite facial and body creams or oils. Also, a smallshallow tub full of water to soak your feet in can be incredibly relaxing.
COMFORTABLE PATIO FURNITURE AND A BOOK – Don’t forget yourmost comfortable outdoor patio furniture and pillows to curl up on with a goodbook.
LET YOURSELF GO – Lastly – relax… and let all your cares recedeinto nothingness. You may find your personal retreat so relaxing that you maydecide to have a personal spa day every month.
Don’t have quality GatherCraft patio furniture? Visit ourwebsite and find a GatherCraft Fine Outdoor Furniture Dealer near you! www.gathercraft.com
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