This month we are highlighting GatherCrafts’s Castle Rock Collection. This classic collection features a strong, lattice-patterned design, seatback that makes it an ideal, traditional option for any outdoor setting. With a wide variety of pieces to mix and match, you can turn any outdoor space into a sophisticated entertaining area.
The Geneva Double Chaise Lounge features the DURASupport frame which is designed for extra durability and support. DURASupport frames are manufactured from the highest quality, cast aluminum, providing for a heavier, more durable furnishing that won’t blow away with the first gust of wind. DURASupport frames are much stronger than frames made from extruded, or hollow aluminum, supporting more weight and strenuous usage. DURASupport frames are also more resistant to rust and wetter, maritime climates.
You’ll love the Castle Rock Collection! Visit our websiteand find a GatherCraft Fine Outdoor Furniture Dealer near you!
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