National Apple Dumpling Day is just around the corner, on September 17th. As the weather starts to turn more toward fall, Apple Dumplings can be a great treat to enjoy on your patio. They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what does an apple dumpling a day do? It makes you happy! At GatherCraft, we hope you enjoy this great Apple Dumpling Recipe. Comment below about your Apple Dumpling Patio Experience!APPLE DUMPLING RECIPE FROM ALLRECIPES:HereFUN APPLE FACTSIt makes love confessions easy - In ancient Greece, to throw an apple at someone was to declare one's love.
- It is a patient fruit - Apple trees usually take four to five years to produce their first fruit.
- It can be available all year round - After they are harvested, agricultural facilities are used to keep apples fresh year-round.
- It is America’s most beloved fruit - From pies to dumplings, apples are one of the most popular fruits consumed in the United States.
- Food has always been a way to bring families and friends together. Use this opportunity to have people over and offer them apple dumplings with a tall glass of apple juice while you relax on your patio.
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