As the outdoor patio season begins to wind down, you may start looking at covering your patio furniture more often in preparation for more inclement weather. Patio furniture covers are essential to protecting your outdoor investment. Here are 5 tips for using the right coverings that will protect your furniture for years to come.
THE RIGHT SIZE - You should avoid One-Size-Fits-All patio furniture covers. The closer it fits the more it protects. Many times, covers can be too long and they’ll drag on the floor, catching dirt and water.
WATERPROOF- The covers should be waterproof allowing beads of water to roll off the cover, keeping your furniture nice and dry. Be careful though, trapping moisture inside the cover can lead to fungi growth.
VENTING - To protect against mold and mildew, covers should have breathable vents built-in to allow air to circulate around the furniture.
SOFT CLOTH - Covers should have a soft cloth backing that will not rub or scratch the finish of your furniture.
TIE-DOWNS - During storms or in windy conditions, furniture covers can easily transform into balloons. Furniture covers that have string ties around the bottom can help the customer secure the covers to their furniture.
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