Depending on where you live, mildew can sometimes be a reality you must face with your outdoor patio furniture. Untreated, the mildew can spread and eventually ruin your cushions altogether. The following are two effective ways to treat mildew on your outdoor furniture cushions.DISH SOAP – The Dish Soap Method is one of the easiest and simplest ways to rid your outdoor cushions of mold and mildew because it only requires materials you already have in the house. However, it’s the least rigorous. If mold or mildew is deeply embedded into your cushions, you might want to try something else. Use your soft-bristled brush to remove excess dirt, mold, or mildew from the cushions.
- Spray the stained or moldy areas with your multi-surface cleaner.
- Use the soft-bristled brush to scrub the surface cleaner into the fabric.
- Thoroughly mix ¼ cup of dish soap with a gallon of water in a bucket.
- Wearing protective gloves, saturate the solution all over the cushions with the brush.
- Leave for five minutes before rinsing the cushions with a hose.
- Stand them upright to dry in a sunny spot.
WHITE VINEGAR - The White Vinegar Method is a non-toxic and eco-friendly way to clean outdoor cushions of any fabric. If the cushion covers are removable, toss them into the washing machine and add 1 cup of distilled white vinegar to the fabric softener dispenser. White vinegar is acidic and can kill up to 82% of mold. Plus, it helps to prevent further mold outbreaks. If you don’t have removable cushion covers, continue with the next steps.
- Fill a spray bottle with distilled white vinegar.
- Spray it all over the cushions on both sides.
- Allow the vinegar to sit for 10 minutes.
- Mix three cups of warm water with one tablespoon of dish soap. Stir to dissolve.
- Soak a sponge in the mixture before scrubbing the cushions on both sides.
- Rinse the cushions with a clean damp cloth.
- Air out the cushions in a sunny spot until completely dry.
- Spray the white vinegar onto the cushions again to prevent further mold and mildew outbreaks.
GatherCraft cushions feature SPF Solar Protected Fabric which is as resistant to mold as it is to sun bleaching. If you realize that you need to upgrade your patio furniture, visit our website and find a GatherCraft Fine Outdoor Furniture Dealer near you! www.gathercraft.comGatherCraft Outdoor Furniture - Where Friends & Family Gather.#GatherCraft #OutdoorFurniture #PatioFurniture #OutdoorCushions #QualityOutdoorFurniture #Mildew